Registration opens on September 29th
What Are Small Groups?

The purpose of small groups is to create an environment for genuine connection and community.

Our prayer is that the resources below give you tools to have spiritual conversations that draw you closer to God and closer to each other.

During your small group we encourage you to use the E.S.P.N. model.

Every group gathering should include each of the following:

Encouragement | Scripture | Prayer | Next Steps


Reasons for belonging to, or leading, a small group:

  • To be a part of a relationally based group that you can enjoy and grow with.

  • To connect people, new to GPC, with a community of believers and support.

  • To enfold those outside the church that you may be influencing.

  • To allow the focus of mature Christians to change from “me” to “them”; pour into someone. To become a mature disciple of Jesus Christ, and fulfill His mission.


If you have any questions or need help finding a group please email us at info@gvillepc.com and our team will assist you!